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Selasa, 26 Juni 2012

Yoww !!

Whaw,, it's been a great time a heven't pactise my english. As it so, now my english gone awkward,, so rude and,, just,, broken in all..... what a mess of me,,
If only there's a way to get it built up better in short, I'll have to do whatever is that for sure, but I even got shocked as I just found my friend, speaking english that I couldn't even understand.
Coz I used to understand it, and that's just what I supposed to be, but now, that's not the fact as real...
Now I feel so down,, found in a lake of pathetic
Now I realize that I should just take my friend's idea to join an english club somewhere....
But that's nothing to deal with me, coz it's no need to be regret for. I just have to rebuild and rebuild it with all my might, but once more,, do I can stand it and keep it up ? there's no need to be affraid of too !! Coz I know, there will always be a friend or more to be with,, in all the hell condition...
now take up your bag,, fasten your seat belt and we'll get to the way of golden life,,
No need to be Affraid
No need to Regret Things
No need to be Hesitate
All we need is our might, our spirit, our believe, and our friendship of lifetime !!!!

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